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Group Leader

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YANG Hanting, PhD

Dr Hanting Yang is currently a group leader at Fudan University. She received her PhD from the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2017. Dr Yang completed her postdoc training at the MRC-LMB from 2018 to 2021, under the supervision of the Nobel laureate Dr Venki Ramakrishnan. During this period, she was an EMBO fellow, funded by the European Molecular Biology Organization, and served as a Research Associate at Darwin College, University of Cambridge, from 2019 to 2021. Dr Yang joined the ITBR of Fudan University as Principal Investigator and established her own lab in November 2021. Her research group focuses on understanding how intracellular transport and organelle homeostasis contribute to maintaining neuronal health. Her representative work has been published in Nature, Science, Protein & Cell, etc.

​Principal Investigator

Current members

申许瑞 Xurui Shen

SHEN Xurui, PhD

Postdoc Fellow

(2022.09 - )

E-mail: xuruishen(AT)fudan.

Mechanism of intracellular homeostasis

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ZHANG Jinlun

PhD Student

(2022.09 - )

E-mail: zhangjl22(AT)m.fudan.

Molecular basis of axonal transport

Directed protein evolution and design


ZHONG Huiwen

PhD Student

(2023.09 - )

E-mail: 23111520080(AT)m.fudan.

Mechanism of intracellular transport

Protein quality control & RQC

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WANG Shiliang

Master Student

(2023.09 - )

E-mail: 23211520036(AT)m.fudan.

ROS-related quality control

​Development of molecular tools

周彬彬 BInbin Zhou

ZHOU Binbin

PhD Student,Zhongshan Hospital

(2022.09 - )

E-mail: 894165647(AT)

Structural basis for proteostasis in neuronal inclusion disease


HE Rui

Clinical Medicine Undergraduate

(2023.06 - )

Email: 21301020032(AT)m.fudan.

Mitochondria-related quality control

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WEI Yumeng

Basic Medical Undergraduates

(2024.03 - )

E-mail: 22301010020@m.fudan

Mechanism of intracellular transport

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XV Meina

Lab Manager  

(2023.01 - )

E-mail: xvmeinafudan(AT)

​Assist in managing the laboratory

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SUN Peixin

PhD Student

(2022.09 - )

E-mail: 22211520040(AT)m.fudan.

Mechanisms of intracellular transport

Bioinformatics and Molecular Simulation​


WANG Shiliang

Master Student

(2023.09 - )

E-mail: 23211520036(AT)m.fudan.

ROS-related quality control

​Development of molecular tools

郭晓军 Xiaojun Guo

GUO Xiaojun

PhD Student,Zhongshan Hospital

(2022.09 - )

E-mail: xjguo20(AT)fudan.

Mechanism of the Hepatobiliary Carcinoma related intracellular transport

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​TIAN Zihan

Clinical Medicine Undergraduate  (2023.03 - )

E-mail: 20301050139(AT)fudan

Molecular mechanisms related to mitochondria and oxidative stress



Clinical Medicine 8-year program student

(2023.11 - )

E-mail: 21301050321(AT)m.fudan

Neurological disorders-related protein quality control



Clinical Medicine 8-year program student

(2024.03 - )

E-mail: -

Molecular mechanism of intracellular trafficking

2022.06 -2023.10

2022.08 -2022.12

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